Kindly do the following steps:-
Change the modulation on the router:
Step 1: Open internet explorer and type in the address bar.
Type admin as the username and password as 1234
Click on Setup >> WAN >> ADSL.
Keep the option G.dmt checked and uncheck the rest.
Click on Apply changes >> Save.
LED’s >> ADSL:On stable.
Kindly do the following steps:-
Step 1: Access and login with the username as admin and password as 1234
Step 2: Setup > LAN
Step 3: Change the IP address to
Step 4: Click on Apply changes
Change the DHCP Pool
Step 1: Click on Setup >> LAN >> DHCP.
Step 2: DHCP mode: DHCP server
IP Pool range: to
Default Gateway:
DNS servers:
Step 3: Click on Apply changes >> Save.
Step 4: Click on Maintenance >> Reboot >> Click on Save current configuration >> Commit changes.
Kindly follow the steps below to change the login password of the router:
Step 1: Open web browser and type
Step 2: Log in with Username admin password as 1234
Step 3: Click on Maintance >>> Password
Step 4: Select Admin Account from the User Account Table.
Step 5: Enter old password >> type new password on the User Account Configuration tabs above
Step 6: Click on Modify
Reboot and try to login with the new password
To block certain MAC addresses from accessing internet:-
Step1: Access and login with the username as admin and password as 1234.
Step2: Click on>>Firewall
Step2: Click on>>MAC filtering
Step3: Select ‘Outgoing default Policy’ >> Allow >> Apply
– Direction:Outgoing
– Action:Deny
– Source MAC:Enter the MAC address of the PC that you want to block.
– Destination MAC: Leave it blank
Step4: Click on ADD
-Open the configuration page
-Enter the username as admin and password 1234
-Click on Advanced>>NAT>>>Virtual Server
-Usual service name>>AUTH
-Wan Settings:Interface
-Wan Interface:PPPoE1
-WAN Port: Port Number of the DVR
-LAN Port: Port Number of the DVR
-LAN IP Addres: Local IP address of the DVR
Click on Apply Changes
Click on Save
Maintenance>reboot>>commit/reboot>save current configuration>commit changes>>reboot
Follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Access and login with the username as admin and password as 1234
Step 2: Click on Setup > WAN
Step 3: Delete the existing Enteries at the end of the page
Step 4: Enter VPI and VCI: 0/35,
– Encapsulation: LLC
– Channel Mode: PPPoE
– Enter the Username and password under PPP settings
Step 4: Click on ADD
Step 5: Save
Reboot the router and try to access internet on the computer
Step 1: Access and login with the username as admin and password as 1234
Step 2: Setup > WAN >
Step 3: Delete the Entries and follow the steps below :
Step 4: Enter VPI and VCI: 1/32
Step 5: Channel Mode: 1483 MER
– WAN IP settings:
– Local IP address:
– Netmask:
– Remote IP address :>>ADD>>>Save
Step 6: Click on Services >> DNS
Step 7: Click on Set DNS manually >> Enter the DNS values provided by ISP >> Apply Changes >> Save
Please follow the following steps:
Step 1: Enter on the web browser and login with the username as admin and password as 1234
Step 2: Click on Setup > WLAN > Basic
Step 3: > Change the SSID > channel to 9
Step 4: Apply changes > Save
Step 5: Click on Setup > WLAN > Security
Step 6: Select Encyption as WPA-TKIP from the drop down Menu
– enter the required pasword in pre-shared key (** It should be more than 8 Alphanumeric characters)
Step 7: Apply changes > Save
ISSUE: Wireless Connection drops or Low wireless signal strength
1. Make sure that there are no other wireless interference causing devices (like microwave oven, cordless phones, bluetooth devices, physical obstructions etc.) in the wireless range of the router.
2. If there are other wireless access points and routers in the Wi-Fi range of your router then try changing the wireless channel number on your router.
3. open the configuration page of the router
4. Click on “Setup” on top and then “WLAN”
5. Select the “Channel Number” you wish to set on this router for your Wi-Finetwork.
The recommended channel number is 1, 6 and 11.
6. Click “Apply Changes” >> save the settings
7. If still the issue persists then try changing the Channel Bandwidth from 40MHz to 20MHz.
8. Select “20MHZ” for “Channel Width” >> Click “Apply Changes” >> save the settings
9. If still the issue persists then try repositioning the router location so that maximum area is covered by its wireless signals