1st location
2nd location
Access the configuration of the device with IP Address >> Success
Log into the router with the username and password as admin >> Success
Goto>> Home>> Quick Setup
Select the Operation mode as Bridge
Select the Service Type as COT
Under WAN, select VPI=0 and VCI=100
Under Bridge, enter the IP address of DG-IC422A :
Click on Apply.
Basic Configuration>>
Expand WAN>>channel >> enter VC1 enter the following details:-
ISP name:
Active: Yes
VPI=0 and VCI=100
Click on Apply.
Expand Advance Configuration
Under Bridge configuration, enter the IP address of DG-IC422A
Under Default gateway, enter the IP address of the remote DG-IC422A which is configured as RT.
Click on Apply.
Similarly the remote DG-IC422A has to be configured as RT with the default gateway as the IP address of DG-IC422A(COT).
Device configured as “COT”
Access the configuration of the device with IP Address >> Success
Log into the router with the username as “root” and password as “admin” >> Success
Click on Basic Configuration>>LAN>>Configuration
IPv4 Address:
Subnet Mask:
Click ‘Apply’
Click on Basic Configuration>>LAN>>DHCP Server
DHCP Server: Disabled
Click ‘Apply’
Click on Basic Configuration>>WAN>>ATM Channel>>Create new channel
Virtual Channel Parameters
VPI: 0
VCI: 32
Encapsulation: RFC2684-bridged
Click ‘Apply’
Click on Basic Configuration>>Bridge Interface>>Create new BVI
Bridge Parameters
Bridge Description: BVI-1
Bridge priority: 32768
Click ‘Apply’
On creating new BVI, the entry will appear under “Active Bridge Virtual interface”.
Click on Bridge Index number i.e. the number “1”.
Under ‘Available member to add to bridge’ Click on lan(+) >> Click on Ok and Click on atm Vc1(+) >> Click on Ok to add the interfaces to BVI.
Once LAN & ATM channel have been added to bridge they will be seen in section “Current member in bridge” i.e. lan(-), atmVc1(-).
Click on Basic Configuration>>DSL
Service Type: CO/2wires
Standard Type: annex-A
Data Mode: Adaptive
Click ‘Apply’
NB: If user chooses Data Mode: Fixed – Data Rate Min & Max must be same.
Click on Admin>>Save Configuration >> Click ok.
Device configured as “RT”
Access the configuration of the device with IP Address >> Success
Log into the router with the username as “root” and password as “admin” >> Success
Click on Basic Configuration>>LAN>>Configuration
IPv4 Address:
Subnet Mask:
Click ‘Apply’
Access the configuration page with the new IP address.
Click on Basic Configuration>>LAN>>DHCP Server
DHCP Server: Disabled
Click ‘Apply’
Click on Basic Configuration>>WAN>>ATM Channel>>Create new channel
Virtual Channel Parameters
VPI: 0
VCI: 32
Encapsulation: RFC2684-bridged
Click ‘Apply’
Click on Basic Configuration>>Bridge Interface>>Create new BVI
Bridge Parameters
Bridge Description: BVI-1
Bridge priority: 32768
Click ‘Apply’
On creating new BVI, the entry will appear under “Active Bridge Virtual interface”.
Click on Bridge Index number i.e. the number “1”.
Under ‘Available member to add to bridge’ Click on lan(+) >> Click on Ok and Click on atm Vc1(+) >> Click on Ok to add the interfaces to BVI.
Once LAN & ATM channel have been added to bridge they will be seen in section “Current member in bridge” i.e. lan(-), atmVc1(-).
Click on Basic Configuration>>DSL
Service Type: RT/2wires
Standard Type: annex-A
Data Mode: Adaptive
Click ‘Apply’
NB: If user chooses Data Mode: Fixed – Data Rate Min & Max must be same.
Click on Admin>>Save Configuration >> Click ok.
If the LAN extender does not work after a particular distance like 2 kms, then please check the type of RJ-11 cable connected between the two LAN extenders.
It should be a normal copper cable with two wires. The wire gauge has to be 0.5 mm. The resistance of one wire should be 84 ohms per Km.
To find out resistance, first short the two wires at one end of the cable and then find the resistance at the other end. Suppose the value is X. Then first divide X by 2. Then divide the answer by the number of Kms.
For e.g. if you get 400 ohms, then 400/2=200 ohms
If the distance is 5 kms, then 200/5=40
So, the resistance of one wire is 40 ohms per km.
Also the cable has to be of a reasonable quality.