Steps to configure the NAS:-
1) Run the utility software included on the software CD i.e. “SearchDIGINAS.exe”, then click “Search”.
2) It will search the NAS and will display its IP address.
3) Access the configuration page of the NAS through its IP address.
Username: admin
Password: admin
4) Change the IP address of the NAS (Not mandatory).
5) Format the drives in the desired RAID configuration.
6) Create users/groups.
7) Give read/write permission to the users.
8) Then you can map the drives on your computer if needed.
Follow the steps below to create users
1. Access the configuration page of the NAS through
Username: admin / Password: admin
2. Click on Access Rights Management
3. Click on Create Users
Enter Username, password, repeater password
Specify home directory
4. Click on Create a new user
Follow steps below to create a new shared folder
1. Access the configuration page of the NAS through
Username: admin / Password: admin
2. Click on Access Rights Management
3. Click on Create a Shared Folder
4. Enter a new name to the folder and click on create
5. Select the permission for the users and the groups (Read, Read /Write or Denied)
6. Click on Save
Alternative for Syncbox would be AjaxPlorer. Through Ajaxplorer you can access the same local users created on NAS over the internet also. You do not have to create separate users for Ajaxplorer.
To access the NAS through AjaXplorer locally, enable the Ajaxplorer server on the NAS. Follow the steps as below:
Step 1: Log into the DG-NS5004 configuration and click on Network services.
Step 2: Under AjaXplorer service, click on enable Ajaxplorer.
Tick the option “Port mapping”.
Port number: 8090
Click on Apply.
Step 3: Now you will need to forward the port 8090 from the router to the LAN IP address of the DG-NS5004.
You can click on “Go to Ajaxplorer” to access the NAS locally or enter the IP of the NAS with port no. Eg:
Once the port has been forwarded on the router, users from the internet will access the NAS through the WAN IP address of the router.
To access the NAS over the internet, type the WAN IP address of the router and colon 8090 in the web browser e.g.
– Copy the “Synchoserver.bin” file from the CD on the desktop
– Access the configuration page of the NAS through the IP address of the device
– Click on Syncbox icon
– Browse for the “Synchoserver.bin” file saved on the PC
– Click on the Execute button
– Then you will get a button “Go to Syncbox”. Click on it and you will get the Syncbox site.
Alternatively, you can also access the Syncbox site by typing “lan ip address of NAS:8888” once the syncbox setup file is been executed.
For e.g. “”
Username: admin
Password: admin
Click on login.
Create Users:-
You will have to create users on the Syncbox to access the data of the NAS over the internet.
**Note** : The username should be in the email address format. For e.g.
Then you can login with the respective username and password and create folders and also can share the folders with other users created on the Syncbox.